Microsoft To Do Widget Ios


Creating Extensions in iOS video

Extensions, as introduced in iOS 8, are specialized UIViewControllers that are presented by iOS inside standard contexts such as within the Notification Center, as custom keyboard types requested by the user to perform specialized input or other contexts like editing a photo where the Extension can provide special effect filters.

Most versions of Microsoft Office (including Office 97 and later) use their own widget set and do not exactly match the native operating system. This is most apparent in Microsoft Office XP and 2003, where the standard menus were replaced with a colored, flat-looking, shadowed menu style. Tap on the calendar widget to join your video call (supporting Zoom, Google Meet, Webex, and many more) Add a list to your home screen widget View any list from your homescreen with our new iOS 14 widgets. Thank you so much for using, if you enjoy, we would appreciate comments on the Appstore. With Microsoft To Do, you can:. Stay focused with My Day, a personalized daily planner with suggested tasks. Get your lists anywhere, on any device. Share lists and assign tasks with your friends, family, colleagues, and classmates. Personalize your lists with bold and colorful backgrounds. Set one-time or recurring due dates and reminders. Break your tasks into manageable steps. Add notes to any task. Attach files up to 25 MB to any task. Sync your. Better Together With Microsoft Office. OneNote is part of the Office family and works great with your favorite apps, such as Excel or Word, to help you do more. Write notes, save ideas and keep up with your to-do list with Microsoft OneNote. Add Task widget. How to get started with To Do’s widgets: Long press on any empty space on your home screen to enter the home screen edit mode, then tap the plus icon to open the widgets menu. Search for To Do or scroll down to find Microsoft To Do, then add the widget of your choice. (You can also add multiple widgets!).

All Extensions are installed in conjunction with a Container app (with both elements written using the 64-bit Unified APIs) and are activated from a particular Extension Point in a Host app. And since they will be used as supplements to existing system functions, they must be high performance, lean, and robust.

Extension points

TypeDescriptionExtension PointHost App
ActionSpecialized editor or viewer for a particular media
Document ProviderAllows app to use a remote document using a UIDocumentPickerViewController
Photo EditingPhoto manipulation and editor
ShareShares data with social networks, messaging services,
Today“Widgets” that appear on the Today screen or Notification and Notification Center

Additional extension points were added in iOS 10 and iOS 12. You can find the complete table of all supported types in the iOS App Extension Programming Guide.


Extensions have a number of limitations, some of which are universal to all types (for instance, no type of Extension can access the cameras or microphones) while other types of Extension may have specific limitations on their usage (for instance, custom keyboards cannot be used for secure data entry fields such as for passwords).

The universal limitations are:

  • The Health Kit and Event Kit UI Frameworks are not available
  • Extensions cannot use extended background modes
  • Extensions cannot access the device’s cameras or microphones (although they may access existing media files)
  • Extensions cannot receive Air Drop data (although they can transmit data via Air Drop)
  • UIActionSheet and UIAlertView are not available; extensions must use UIAlertController
  • Several members of UIApplication are unavailable: UIApplication.SharedApplication, UIApplication.OpenUrl, UIApplication.BeginIgnoringInteractionEvents and UIApplication.EndIgnoringInteractionEvents
  • iOS enforces a 16 MB memory usage limit on Today's extensions.
  • By default keyboard extensions don't have access to the network. This affects debugging on device (the restriction is not enforced in the simulator), since Xamarin.iOS requires network access for debugging to work. It's possible to request network access by setting the Requests Open Access value in the project's Info.plist to Yes. Please see Apple's Custom Keyboard Guide for more information about keyboard extension limitations.

For individual limitations, please see Apple's App Extension Programming Guide.

Distributing, installing, and running extensions

Extensions are distributed from within a container app, which, in turn is submitted and distributed via the App Store. The Extension(s) distributed with the app are installed at that point, but the user must enable each Extension explicitly. The different types of Extensions are enabled in different ways; several require the user to navigate to the Settings app and enable them from there. While others are enabled at point of use, such as enabling a Sharing Extension when sending a photo.

The app in which the Extension is used (where the user encounters the Extension Point) is referred to as the Host app, since it is the app that hosts the Extension when it executes. The app that installs the Extension is the Container app, because it is the app that contained the Extension when it was installed.

Typically, the container app describes the extension and walks the user through the process of enabling it.

Debug and release versions of extensions

Memory limits for running app extensions are significantly lower than the memory limits applied to a foreground app. Simulators running iOS have less restrictions applied to extensions, and you can execute your extension without any issues. However, running the same extension on a device can lead to unexpected results, including the extension crashing or being aggressively terminated by the system. Therefore, ensure you build and test the extension on a device before shipping it.

You should ensure that the following settings are applied to the container project and all referenced extensions:

  1. Build a application package in Release configuration.
  2. In the iOS Build project settings, set the Linker behavior option to Link Framework SDKs Only or Link All.
  3. In the iOS Debug project settings, uncheck the Enable debugging and Enable profiling option.

Extension lifecycle

An Extension can be as simple as a single UIViewController or more complex Extensions that present multiple screens of UI. When the user encounters an Extension Points (such as when sharing an image), they will have an opportunity to choose from the Extensions registered for that Extension Point.

If they choose one of your app's Extensions, its UIViewController will be instantiated and begin the normal View Controller lifecycle. However, unlike a normal app, which are suspended but not generally terminated when the user finishes interacting with them, Extensions are loaded, executed, and then terminated repeatedly.

Extensions can communicate with their Host apps via an NSExtensionContext object. Some Extensions have operations that receive asynchronous callbacks with the results. These callbacks will be executed on background threads and the Extension must take this into consideration; for instance, by using NSObject.InvokeOnMainThread if they want to update the user interface. See the Communicating with the Host App section below for more details.

By default, Extensions and their container apps can not communicate, despite being installed together. In some cases, the Container app is essentially an empty 'shipping' container whose purpose is served once the Extension is installed. However, if circumstances dictate, the Container app and the Extension may share resources from a common area. Additionally, a Today Extension may request its Container app to open a URL. This behavior is shown in the Event Countdown Widget.

Creating an extension

Extensions (and their Container apps) must be 64-bit binaries and built using the Xamarin.iOS Unified APIs. When developing an Extension, your solutions will contain at least two projects: the container app and one project for each Extension the container provides.

Container app project requirements

The Container app used to install the Extension has the following requirements:

  • It must maintain a reference to the Extension project.
  • It must be a complete app (must be able to launch and run successfully) even if it does nothing more than provide a way to install an Extension.
  • It must have a Bundle Identifier that is the basis for the Bundle Identifier of the Extension project (see the section below for more details).

Extension project requirements

Additionally, the Extension's project has the following requirements:

  • It must have a Bundle Identifier that starts with its Container app's Bundle Identifier. For example, if the Container app's has a Bundle Identifier of com.myCompany.ContainerApp, the Extension's identifier might be com.myCompany.ContainerApp.MyExtension:

  • It must define the key NSExtensionPointIdentifier, with an appropriate value (such as for a Today Notification Center widget), in its Info.plist file.

  • It must also define either the NSExtensionMainStoryboard key or the NSExtensionPrincipalClass key in its Info.plist file with an appropriate value:

    • Use the NSExtensionMainStoryboard key to specify the name of the Storyboard that presents the main UI for the Extension (minus .storyboard). For example, Main for the Main.storyboard file.
    • Use the NSExtensionPrincipalClass key to specify the class that will be initialized when the Extension is started. The value must match the Register value of your UIViewController:

Specific types of Extensions may have additional requirements. For instance, a Today or Notification Center Extension’s principal class must implement INCWidgetProviding.


If you start your project using one the Extensions templates provided by Visual Studio for Mac, most (if not all) these requirements will be provided and met for you automatically by the template.


In following walkthrough, you will create an example Today widget that calculates the day and number of days remaining in the year:

Creating the solution

To create the required solution, do the following:

  1. First, create a new iOS, Single View App project and click the Next button:

  2. Call the project TodayContainer and click the Next button:

  3. Verify the Project Name and SolutionName and click the Create button to create the solution:

  4. Next, in the Solution Explorer, right-click on the Solution and add a new iOS Extension project from the Today Extension template:

  5. Call the project DaysRemaining and click the Next button:

  6. Review the project and click the Create button to create it:

The resulting Solution should now have two projects, as shown here:

Creating the extension user interface

Next, you will need to design the interface for your Today widget. This can either be done using a Storyboard or by creating the UI in code. Both methods will be covered below in detail.

Using storyboards

To build the UI with a Storyboard, do the following:

  1. In the Solution Explorer, double-click the Extension project's Main.storyboard file to open it for editing:

  2. Select the Label that was automatically added to the UI by template and give it the NameTodayMessage in the Widget tab of the Properties Explorer:

  3. Save the changes to the Storyboard.

Microsoft To Do Widget Ios

Using code

To build the UI in code, do the following:

Microsoft To Do Widget Ios

Microsoft Todo For Ios

  1. In the Solution Explorer, select the DaysRemaining project, add a new class and call it CodeBasedViewController:

  2. Again, in the Solution Explorer, double-click Extension's Info.plist file to open it for editing:

  3. Select the Source View (from the bottom of the screen) and open the NSExtension node:

  4. Remove the NSExtensionMainStoryboard key and add a NSExtensionPrincipalClass with the value CodeBasedViewController:

  5. Save your changes.

Next, edit the CodeBasedViewController.cs file and make it look like the following:

Note that the [Register('CodeBasedViewController')] matches the value that you specified for the NSExtensionPrincipalClass above.

Coding the extension

With the User Interface created, open either the TodayViewController.cs or the CodeBasedViewController.cs file (based of the method used to create the User Interface above), change the ViewDidLoad method and make it look like the following:

If using the code based User Interface method, replace the // Insert code to power extension here... comment with the new code from above. After calling the base implementation (and inserting a Label for the code based version), this code does a simple calculation to get the day of the year and how many days are remaining. Then it displays the message in the Label (TodayMessage) that you created in the UI design.

Microsoft To Do Widget Ios 14

Note how similar this process is to the normal process of writing an app. An Extension's UIViewController has the same lifecycle as a View Controller in an app, except Extensions do not have background modes and are not suspended when the user is finished using them. Instead, Extensions are repeatedly initialized and de-allocated as required.

Creating the container app user interface

For this walkthrough, the container app is simply used as a method to ship and install the Extension and provides no functionality of its own. Edit the TodayContainer's Main.storyboard file and add some text defining the Extension's function and how to install it:

Save the changes to the Storyboard.

Testing the extension

To test your Extension in the iOS Simulator, run the TodayContainer app. The container's main view will be displayed:

Next, hit the Home button in the Simulator, swipe down from the top of the screen to open the Notification Center, select the Today tab and click the Edit button:

Add the DaysRemaining Extension to the Today view and click the Done button:

The new widget will be added to the Today view and the results will be displayed:

Communicating with the host app

The example Today Extension you created above does not communicate with its host app (the Today screen). If it did, it would use the ExtensionContext property of the TodayViewController or CodeBasedViewController classes.

For Extensions that will receive data from their host apps, the data is in the form of an array of NSExtensionItem objects stored in the InputItems property of the ExtensionContext of the Extension's UIViewController.

Other Extensions, such as Photo Editing extensions, may distinguish between the user completing or canceling usage. This will be signaled back to the host app via the CompleteRequest and CancelRequest methods of ExtensionContext property.


For more information, please see Apple's App Extension Programming Guide.

Communicating with the parent app

An App Group allows different applications (or an application and its extensions) to access a shared file storage location. App Groups can be used for data like:

  • Apple Watch Settings.
  • Shared NSUserDefaults.
  • Shared Files.
Microsoft to do widget ios 7

For more information, please see the App Groups section of our Working with Capabilities documentation.


When working with extensions, use a Uniform Type Identifier (UTI) to create and manipulate data that is exchanged between the app, other apps and/or services.

The MobileCoreServices.UTType static class defines the following helper properties that relate to Apple's kUTType... definitions:

  • kUTTypeAlembic - Alembic
  • kUTTypeAliasFile - AliasFile
  • kUTTypeAliasRecord - AliasRecord
  • kUTTypeAppleICNS - AppleICNS
  • kUTTypeAppleProtectedMPEG4Audio - AppleProtectedMPEG4Audio
  • kUTTypeAppleProtectedMPEG4Video - AppleProtectedMPEG4Video
  • kUTTypeAppleScript - AppleScript
  • kUTTypeApplication - Application
  • kUTTypeApplicationBundle - ApplicationBundle
  • kUTTypeApplicationFile - ApplicationFile
  • kUTTypeArchive - Archive
  • kUTTypeAssemblyLanguageSource - AssemblyLanguageSource
  • kUTTypeAudio - Audio
  • kUTTypeAudioInterchangeFileFormat - AudioInterchangeFileFormat
  • kUTTypeAudiovisualContent - AudiovisualContent
  • kUTTypeAVIMovie - AVIMovie
  • kUTTypeBinaryPropertyList - BinaryPropertyList
  • kUTTypeBMP - BMP
  • kUTTypeBookmark - Bookmark
  • kUTTypeBundle - Bundle
  • kUTTypeBzip2Archive - Bzip2Archive
  • kUTTypeCalendarEvent - CalendarEvent
  • kUTTypeCHeader - CHeader
  • kUTTypeCommaSeparatedText - CommaSeparatedText
  • kUTTypeCompositeContent - CompositeContent
  • kUTTypeConformsToKey - ConformsToKey
  • kUTTypeContact - Contact
  • kUTTypeContent - Content
  • kUTTypeCPlusPlusHeader - CPlusPlusHeader
  • kUTTypeCPlusPlusSource - CPlusPlusSource
  • kUTTypeCSource - CSource
  • kUTTypeData - Database
  • kUTTypeDelimitedText - DelimitedText
  • kUTTypeDescriptionKey - DescriptionKey
  • kUTTypeDirectory - Directory
  • kUTTypeDiskImage - DiskImage
  • kUTTypeElectronicPublication - ElectronicPublication
  • kUTTypeEmailMessage - EmailMessage
  • kUTTypeExecutable - Executable
  • kUTExportedTypeDeclarationsKey - ExportedTypeDeclarationsKey
  • kUTTypeFileURL - FileURL
  • kUTTypeFlatRTFD - FlatRTFD
  • kUTTypeFolder - Folder
  • kUTTypeFont - Font
  • kUTTypeFramework - Framework
  • kUTTypeGIF - GIF
  • kUTTypeGNUZipArchive - GNUZipArchive
  • kUTTypeHTML - HTML
  • kUTTypeICO - ICO
  • kUTTypeIconFileKey - IconFileKey
  • kUTTypeIdentifierKey - IdentifierKey
  • kUTTypeImage - Image
  • kUTImportedTypeDeclarationsKey - ImportedTypeDeclarationsKey
  • kUTTypeInkText - InkText
  • kUTTypeInternetLocation - InternetLocation
  • kUTTypeItem - Item
  • kUTTypeJavaArchive - JavaArchive
  • kUTTypeJavaClass - JavaClass
  • kUTTypeJavaScript - JavaScript
  • kUTTypeJavaSource - JavaSource
  • kUTTypeJPEG - JPEG
  • kUTTypeJPEG2000 - JPEG2000
  • kUTTypeJSON - JSON
  • kUTType3dObject - k3dObject
  • kUTTypeLivePhoto - LivePhoto
  • kUTTypeLog - Log
  • kUTTypeM3UPlaylist - M3UPlaylist
  • kUTTypeMessage - Message
  • kUTTypeMIDIAudio - MIDIAudio
  • kUTTypeMountPoint - MountPoint
  • kUTTypeMovie - Movie
  • kUTTypeMP3 - MP3
  • kUTTypeMPEG - MPEG
  • kUTTypeMPEG2TransportStream - MPEG2TransportStream
  • kUTTypeMPEG2Video - MPEG2Video
  • kUTTypeMPEG4 - MPEG4
  • kUTTypeMPEG4Audio - MPEG4Audio
  • kUTTypeObjectiveCPlusPlusSource - ObjectiveCPlusPlusSource
  • kUTTypeObjectiveCSource - ObjectiveCSource
  • kUTTypeOSAScript - OSAScript
  • kUTTypeOSAScriptBundle - OSAScriptBundle
  • kUTTypePackage - Package
  • kUTTypePDF - PDF
  • kUTTypePerlScript - PerlScript
  • kUTTypePHPScript - PHPScript
  • kUTTypePICT - PICT
  • kUTTypePKCS12 - PKCS12
  • kUTTypePlainText - PlainText
  • kUTTypePlaylist - Playlist
  • kUTTypePluginBundle - PluginBundle
  • kUTTypePNG - PNG
  • kUTTypePolygon - Polygon
  • kUTTypePresentation - Presentation
  • kUTTypePropertyList - PropertyList
  • kUTTypePythonScript - PythonScript
  • kUTTypeQuickLookGenerator - QuickLookGenerator
  • kUTTypeQuickTimeImage - QuickTimeImage
  • kUTTypeQuickTimeMovie - QuickTimeMovie
  • kUTTypeRawImage - RawImage
  • kUTTypeReferenceURLKey - ReferenceURLKey
  • kUTTypeResolvable - Resolvable
  • kUTTypeRTF - RTF
  • kUTTypeRTFD - RTFD
  • kUTTypeRubyScript - RubyScript
  • kUTTypeScalableVectorGraphics - ScalableVectorGraphics
  • kUTTypeScript - Script
  • kUTTypeShellScript - ShellScript
  • kUTTypeSourceCode - SourceCode
  • kUTTypeSpotlightImporter - SpotlightImporter
  • kUTTypeSpreadsheet - Spreadsheet
  • kUTTypeStereolithography - Stereolithography
  • kUTTypeSwiftSource - SwiftSource
  • kUTTypeSymLink - SymLink
  • kUTTypeSystemPreferencesPane - SystemPreferencesPane
  • kUTTypeTabSeparatedText - TabSeparatedText
  • kUTTagClassFilenameExtension - TagClassFilenameExtension
  • kUTTagClassMIMEType - TagClassMIMEType
  • kUTTypeTagSpecificationKey - TagSpecificationKey
  • kUTTypeText - Text
  • kUTType3DContent - ThreeDContent
  • kUTTypeTIFF - TIFF
  • kUTTypeToDoItem - ToDoItem
  • kUTTypeTXNTextAndMultimediaData - TXNTextAndMultimediaData
  • kUTTypeUniversalSceneDescription - UniversalSceneDescription
  • kUTTypeUnixExecutable - UnixExecutable
  • kUTTypeURL - URL
  • kUTTypeURLBookmarkData - URLBookmarkData
  • kUTTypeUTF16ExternalPlainText - UTF16ExternalPlainText
  • kUTTypeUTF16PlainText - UTF16PlainText
  • kUTTypeUTF8PlainText - UTF8PlainText
  • kUTTypeUTF8TabSeparatedText - UTF8TabSeparatedText
  • kUTTypeVCard - VCard
  • kUTTypeVersionKey - VersionKey
  • kUTTypeVideo - Video
  • kUTTypeVolume - Volume
  • kUTTypeWaveformAudio - WaveformAudio
  • kUTTypeWebArchive - WebArchive
  • kUTTypeWindowsExecutable - WindowsExecutable
  • kUTTypeX509Certificate - X509Certificate
  • kUTTypeXML - XML
  • kUTTypeXMLPropertyList - XMLPropertyList
  • kUTTypeXPCService - XPCService
  • kUTTypeZipArchive - ZipArchive

See the following example:

For more information, please see the App Groups section of our Working with Capabilities documentation.

Precautions and considerations

Extensions have significantly less memory available to them than apps do. They are expected to perform rapidly and with minimal intrusion to the user and the app they are hosted in. However, an Extension should also provide a distinctive, useful function to the consuming app with a branded UI that allow the user to identify the Extension's developer or Container app they belong to.

Todo Ios Widget

Given these tight requirement, you should only deploy Extensions that have been thoroughly tested and optimized for performance and memory consumption.


Microsoft To Do On Iphone

This document has covered Extensions, what they are, the type of Extension Points and the known limitations imposed on an Extension by iOS. It discussed creating, distributing, installing and running Extensions and the Extension lifecycle. It provided a walkthrough of creating a simple Today widget showing two ways to create the widget's UI using either Storyboards or code. It showed how to test an extension in the iOS Simulator. Finally, it briefly discussed communicating with the Host App and a few precautions and considerations that should be taken when developing an extension.

Microsoft To Do Widget Ios 8

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