
  1. Kitabu Swahili
  2. Kitabu Cha Nyimbo Za Wokovu

Download Kitabu for free. Free Mac OS X epub reader. Please go to our new web page - Wakuu JF ni chuo cha maarifa makubwa maana kumejaa ma-GT,katika pitapita zangu nimekutana na historia kwa ufupi kuhusu kitabu hiki 'History of the necronomicon'ambacho kinasemekana ni kitabu hatari sana. Sasa naomba wajuzi wa mambo waje kutufumbua macho tusiojua juu ya kitabu hiki kina siri. Muhtasari wa Mwanzo—habari kulingana na sura na mstari. Siku za kuumbwa kwa dunia, Nuhu na safina, Abrahamu na Sara, Isaka, Yakobo, Yosefu, Farao.


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The Kitabu-Buk Project is a locally registered Non-Governmental Organisation in Uganda registration number-10990. We are a youth led organisation that advocates for quality education through book donation and advocacy. We have donated over 2000 text books and 5000 scholastic materials to seven schools in Uganda. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators.

eKitabu Tunaenda Digital Newsletter April 2021


Kitabu Swahili

Dear Friends, In response to the Covid-19 pandemic and the resulting school closures, Studio KSL in eKitabu produced 38 video... Read More →

Kitabu Cha Nyimbo Za Wokovu

eKitabu to implement ICT for education solutions—including accessible books, learning apps and teacher training—in Rwanda

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From All Children Reading article on medium posted on 29th March 2021 In Rwanda, the lack of accessible teaching and... Read More →

eKitabu Rwanda wins All Children Reading Grand Challenge’s UnrestrICTed Challenge

eKitabu to scale ICT for education solutions for children with disabilities in Rwanda All Children Reading: A Grand Challenge... Read More →