R Markdown Jupyter Notebook

Python has a similar tool to R Markdown called Jupyter Notebooks https://jupyter.org/. Like R Markdown it can handle various programming languages. It is used heavily within the scientific community. Nature’s 2018 article Why Jupyter is data scientists’ computational notebook of choice provides a good summary. The discussion below focuses on syntax for R Markdown but the arguments hold for Jupyter notebooks as well.

Earlier, we discussed a basic workflow for capturing your R code where you work interactively in the console, then capture what works in the script editor. R Markdown brings together the console and the script editor, blurring the lines between interactive exploration and long-term code capture. You can rapidly iterate within a chunk, editing and re-executing with Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + Enter. When you’re happy, you move on and start a new chunk.

  1. You can use Markdown to format text in many different tools including GitHub.com, R using RMarkdown, and Jupyter Notebook, which you will learn more about this page. Data Tip: Learn more about how you can use Markdown to format text and document workflows in a variety of tools.
  2. Just like with Jupyter, you can also work interactively with your R Markdown notebooks. It works a bit differently from Jupyter, as there are no real magic commands; To work with other languages, you need to add separate Bash, Stan, Python, SQL or Rcpp chunks to the notebook.

R Markdown is also important because it so tightly integrates prose and code. This makes it a great analysis notebook because it lets you develop code and record your thoughts. An analysis notebook shares many of the same goals as a classic lab notebook in the physical sciences. It:

  • Records what you did and why you did it. Regardless of how great yourmemory is, if you don’t record what you do, there will come a time whenyou have forgotten important details. Write them down so you don’t forget!

  • Supports rigorous thinking. You are more likely to come up with a stronganalysis if you record your thoughts as you go, and continue to reflecton them. This also saves you time when you eventually write up youranalysis to share with others.

  • Helps others understand your work. It is rare to do data analysis byyourself, and you’ll often be working as part of a team. A lab notebookhelps you share not only what you’ve done, but why you did it with yourcolleagues or lab mates.

R Markdown Jupiter Notebook Free

R Markdown Jupyter Notebook

Jupyter Notebook Vs R Markdown

Much of the good advice about using lab notebooks effectively can also be translated to analysis notebooks. I’ve drawn on my own experiences and Colin Purrington’s advice on lab notebooks (http://colinpurrington.com/tips/lab-notebooks) to come up with the following tips:

Here's how to format Markdown cells in Jupyter notebooks: Headings. Use the number sign (#) followed by a blank space for notebook titles and section headings: # for titles. ## for major headings. ### for subheadings. #### for 4th level subheadings. Use the following code to emphasize text.

  • Ensure each notebook has a descriptive title, an evocative filename, and afirst paragraph that briefly describes the aims of the analysis.

  • Use the YAML header date field to record the date you started working on thenotebook:

    Use ISO8601 YYYY-MM-DD format so that’s there no ambiguity. Use iteven if you don’t normally write dates that way!

  • If you spend a lot of time on an analysis idea and it turns out to be adead end, don’t delete it! Write up a brief note about why it failed andleave it in the notebook. That will help you avoid going down the samedead end when you come back to the analysis in the future.

  • Generally, you’re better off doing data entry outside of R. But if youdo need to record a small snippet of data, clearly lay it out usingtibble::tribble().

  • If you discover an error in a data file, never modify it directly, butinstead write code to correct the value. Explain why you made the fix.

  • Before you finish for the day, make sure you can knit the notebook(if you’re using caching, make sure to clear the caches). That willlet you fix any problems while the code is still fresh in your mind.

  • If you want your code to be reproducible in the long-run (i.e. so you cancome back to run it next month or next year), you’ll need to track theversions of the packages that your code uses. A rigorous approach is to usepackrat, http://rstudio.github.io/packrat/, which stores packagesin your project directory, or checkpoint,https://github.com/RevolutionAnalytics/checkpoint, which will reinstallpackages available on a specified date. A quick and dirty hack is to includea chunk that runs sessionInfo() — that won’t let you easily recreateyour packages as they are today, but at least you’ll know what they were.

  • You are going to create many, many, many analysis notebooks over the courseof your career. How are you going to organise them so you can find themagain in the future? I recommend storing them in individual projects,and coming up with a good naming scheme.